Tongue-Ties in Babies – The Importance of Early Detection


Most parents take it upon themselves to know all there is to about taking care of a baby and the many infections and diseases they could be susceptible to upon birth. However, many are unaware of what tongue-ties in babies mean. Tongue-tie, also called ankyloglossia, is a condition wherein there is a length of tissue keeping the bottom tip of the tongue attached to the floor of the baby’s mouth.

While it is not particularly painful, the condition prevents babies from moving their tongue completely, also making them unable to latch or suckle effectively. There are also occurrences where babies have been able to breastfeed without much difficulty even with a tongue-tie. These are less severe cases, making it essential that you look for any sign suggesting whether your baby has a tongue-tie.

Identifying Symptoms of Tongue-Tie in Infants

You can determine whether your baby has a tongue-tie if –

  • The baby’s tongue does not move towards the side
  • The baby is unable to poke out its tongue beyond the lips
  • The tip of the baby’s tongue forms a heart shape instead of being sharp or looks notched
  • The baby gags often

A tongue-tie diagnosis can help your practitioner suggest the right course of action so that the condition does not have any lasting effects on the baby. If untreated, tongue-ties can cause speech difficulties in adults, sleep apnea, incorrect positioning of the tongue when at rest, changes to the facial growth and structure, altered posture of the head, etc.

Detecting a tongue-tie in infants as early as possible and consulting a tongue-tie specialist in Melbourne can help treat the issue without letting it affect the baby’s development or health.

Early Signs that Make Detecting Tongue-Ties in Babies Easier

While we have already mentioned symptoms that could help identify tongue-ties in babies, there may be instances when the symptoms are not very obvious. Certain signs, in such cases, can give you a better indication to detect the possibility of a tongue-tie.

If you notice any of the below signs, make sure you check with your practitioner:

  • Damage to the nipples
  • Mastitis on a regular basis owing to the lack of milk removal or consumption
  • Signs of malnutrition in the baby
  • Symptoms in the baby that resemble those of colic disease due to the intake of air while suckling.
  • A clicking sound when the baby is suckling

At Western Specialist Centre, we have an experienced team of practitioners to carry out tongue-tie treatment in Melbourne using high-grade equipment with a quick procedure that involves quickly snipping the tongue-tie. You can get in touch with our practitioners if you notice any of the mentioned symptoms in your baby.