How To Know If Your Baby Has Tongue Tie
Tongue tie is a common condition among babies wherein the mobility of the tongue is greatly reduced. While this could be problematic, it is certainly treatable. Here is how you can identify if your baby has tongue tie:
Problems With Breastfeeding
One of the key signs that your infant has a tongue tie is the inability to breastfeed with ease. While mothers often have the fear that their babies may not be feeding as much as required, tongue tie can be a serious issue if the intake of food is less. Irrespective of whether the baby has a tongue tie or not, it is advised that you visit a child specialist in Melbourne immediately for consultation.
Inability Of The Child To Stick Their Tongue Out
Another sure sign of tongue tie is the inability of the baby to stick its tongue out. With the tongue still attached to the frenulum more than required, the movement of the tongue is restricted significantly. The baby will also be unable to stick its tongue out as most babies usually. This can help you realise whether your child has a tongue tie.
Tongue Shaped Like a Heart Or Notched When Stuck Out
Is your child’s tongue shaped like a heart when sticking out? This could mean that your baby has tongue tie. This happens due to tongue still attached to the lower palette of the mouth more than necessary through the frenulum.
While these are symptoms that can let you know if your baby has tongue tie, there may be cases wherein the tongue may not affect these areas but affect some other areas that are equally vital. Speech impairment is one of the many effects of tongue tie which may only be diagnosed as the child grows.
However, consulting your child’s practitioner for the best tongue tie treatment in Melbourne may be the best route to take.