Pratiksha Shetty
Pratiksha Shetty (Preferred Name: Sony)
Master of Speech Pathology, University of Melbourne
Spoken Languages
English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tulu, Kannada
Service Locations:
More About Me:

Pratiksha is a Certified Practicing Speech and Language Pathologist who will be joining the Werribee team at Western Specialist Centre. Pratiksha graduated from The University of Melbourne in 2022. Her prior experiences involve working with pre-school children in an Early Childhood Education and Care setting, ranging from the role of an assistant educator to running a centre as the Director/Service Manager. This is where she realized the crucial role of parents, educators, and speech pathologists in timely ‘early intervention’ for children with communication needs.

Her strong belief is that “Early Intervention is the key!” And thus, her mission is to ensure she can get this message across to as many communities as possible, support and empower families to support children reach their milestones, debunk myths through UpToDate research and guide children through ‘fun and play’ to maximise their potential across areas of speech, language, literacy, fluency, social skills and multimodal communication.

She enjoys working across all ages and believes that learning and teaching that leads to best outcomes is a two-way collaborative process between a clinician and the family. She is a passionate learner herself always finding ways to upskill for maximum positive impact. She looks forward to serving the community and making a positive difference.

Why I Love Being A Speech Pathologist:

Communication is an important and a powerful tool. I love being a Speech pathologist as it gives me opportunities to help others communicate and advocate for their needs and wants. It provides me with a platform to increase a person’s activities and social participation by identifying and removing barriers where possible and increasing facilitators to achieve each individualised goal. It also gives me motivation to keep up with research and share that research with others. It is a very grounding and rewarding career where I get to give back to the community while learn each day from each person to find creative ways to achieve better outcomes.

How To Book An Appointment With Us:

Contact: Western Specialist Centre

Phone:     (03) 8001 7170
Email:       reception@wscvic.com
Fax:           (03) 8001 7171